IFFCO delegate falls prey to bomb blast

Delhi High Court blast on last Wednesday claimed the life of an IFFCO delegate. Mehtab Singh Dabas had come to High Court along with his son Rohit Dabas on the pretext of some legal engagement. Like other unlucky victims he had no idea what was in store for him on that day.

Mehtab Singh,56 was a delgate of IFFCO from Ghevara area in Delhi. Iffo is a cooperative federation of about 40 thousand  cooperative societies and it has about 1000 delegates spread across India.

A delegate usually represents many primary societies and participates in various activities of cooperative federation.

Mehtab Singh’s son Rohit also got injured in the blast.

High Court bomb blast killed about 13 people and injured about 70 persons.The bomb was reportedly kept in a briefcase which was left at the reception of the Court where entry passes are made.

IFFCO’s Director of Cooperative Relation Dr G N Saxena told Indian Cooperative.com that it was a loss to the Iffco family and we mourn the death of Mehtab Dabas.

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