Farmers’ connect: IFFCO launches

Patterned on its mother website, the farmers’ cooperative IFFCO has last week launched a blog aimed at direct interaction with farmers of the country. The cooperative goliath has a huge number of farmers connected to it.

PR Head Harshendra Vardhan who is heading this novel experiment said on his FB wall “Glad to share with you in this era of social media stories of farmers, cooperatives and more.” The FB is quickly retweeted by MD Dr U S Awasthi to inform his followers about the new experiment.

The Iffcolive has a few words from the MD who says “Communication has always been a vital organizational function at IFFCO. Our effort has always been to make our communication result oriented, interesting and above all adaptable to the changing socio-economic trends.”

The early Iffcolive carries such success stories as of Ashok Kumar Chaturvedi, a farmer from the Reeva district of Madhya Pradesh, the digitalization of village Tamoli in the Chindgaon at the behest of IFFCO and others.

The Cooperative Success Story by IFFDC finds special mention on the new site. The story of poultry in the small hamlet Kham Ki Madri in Udaipur has been described in a story-like manner. But the latest JV with Mitsubishi to manufacture agrochemicals has received most of the attention.

The site has huge impressive pictures adorning it. The latter is attractive enough to catch peoples’ attention but hopefully it does not meet the fate of such other co-operative sites launched with a great fanfare but only to end up repelling readers with no updates.

Like our mother site we vow to keep it updated, a confident Harsha told Indian Cooperative.

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