TTT: Kapur to deliver valedictory address today

Dr. U.S Awasthi, Managing Director, IFFCO could not deliver the valedictory address in the NCCT’s Train the Trainer programme on Thursday at IFFCO, Saket as he is down with fever. Joint MD Shri Rakesh Kapur will instead address the participants. The programme was inaugurated by NCUI President Chandra Pal Singh Yadav on Monday.

The NCCT is organising the TTT Programme from 7-10 September, 2015 in collaboration with ISTD Delhi Chapter & TraNc for the faculty members of RICMs and ICMs. A large number of participants have come from various ICMs and RICMs spread across states.

Nilesh Nilay the trainer is hopeful that with professional training the output of participants is sure to enhance. Mohan Mishra, NCCT Secretary said this is the second TTT that NCCT is conducting after the successful completion of the first TTT held a few months ago. We would also conduct the third TTT soon, he added.

Explaining the roadmap Dr Dinesh, DG of NCCT said we aim to train each of our faculty associated with ICMs and RICMs in rotation. The output of training may not be visible soon but it shows in long run, he added.

The truth is that cooperative and cooperative lone could challenge the hegemony of corporates and in that sense training is very important, said Chairman Chandra Pal Singh Yadav.

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