KRIBHCO:Can Elections be so smooth?

The KRIBHCO election seems to head towards predicted course.  Eight of the nine  Directors have already been elected uncontested though formal announcement will be made on 20th May. It is indeed strange that election of  such a huge cooperative society could proceed with such smoothness. The movers and shakers of Cooperatives in India such as Dr Chandra Pal Singh, Dr Bijender Singh and others have quietly traveled the length of the country and coolly negotiated the candidature among the delegates. As a result 8 of the 9 directors have been elected or selected without any contest. The only director on whom the negotiations have failed so far will see the actual voting on the day of election.

As to who will be the Chairman is also a forgone conclusion. When the directors could be hand picked without any murmur of dissent who will resist the choice of Chairman! If people can have consent for 8 seats the consensus choice for Chairman is inevitable. According to information with INDIAN COOPERATIVE .COM Dr Bijender Singh is the front runner so far.

Chandra Pal Singh the present Chairman of KRIBHCO has to quit as he was elected President of NCUI-the apex body of cooperatives in India. KRIBHCO has about 6500 members and participating in a direct election, according to KRIBHCO sources is a difficult proposition. As a result these members elect delegates which would be about 500 in numbers. These delegates cast their votes to elect the Board Members. Gujarat has 275 delegates-the highest number while a state like Bihar has merely 3 delegates. The election of the Chairman will take place on the same day i,e on 20th May.

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