NCUI constitutes scholarship in Kalam’s name

The Education Fund Committee of NCUI which met on Monday has passed a resolution to institute a scholarship in the name of A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the former President of India known as missile man.

The scholarship would be given to Phd researchers who are willing to study cooperative movement in areas still barren of any cooperative movement. The idea has been germinating in the minds of several top cooperative leaders for some time and it was during the Mondaymeeting that it took concrete shape.

Another important outcome of the Fund meeting was passage of estimated budget to the tune of Rs 1.5 crore for the ICA (A-P) Regional Assembly scheduled to take place in the month of November this year, said convener of the meeting Mr N Satyanarayan to Indian Cooperative.

Satyanarayan insisted that it is an estimated budget not an actual one as NCUI is expecting contributions from big cooperative federations such as IFFCO, Kribhco and others.

There was no representative from the Ministry in the meeting held on Monday as all of them including the Central Registrar were busy with an ambitious Kharif Conference as earlier reported in these columns. While some blame it on the lack of coordination skill on the part of NCUI, Satyanarayan defends saying NCUI gave three dates to them in advance.

Campco man Padmanabhan and Tarun Bhargava from IFFCO however participated and fulfilled the required quorum to carry ahead the meeting.

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