Mishra’s attempts to come back to NCUI has no takers

Interestingly, Mohan Mishra, Secretary of NCCT and the man who is alleged to have played a mischievous role in carving out NCCT from the parent body to have it as his fiefdom will lose, should a rapprochement between the central govt and NCUI take place on the NCCT delink issue, adds source.

It is said that it was Mohan Mishra who kept whispering in former Minister Radha Mohan Singh’s ear against the NCUI leadership and got NCCT delinked from NCUI.

Indian Cooperative had covered the story on how Radha Mohan congratulated Mishra before the NCUI President for supplying him with the “latest news” jokingly. Enraged at the vivid coverage, one of the close confidants of the former Minister had even contacted Indian Cooperative to know the source of the story, which as usual we refused to divulge.

Mishra, meanwhile, is trying hard to come back to NCUI. He has approached the NCUI President Dr Chandra Pal Singh several times for his return, sources add. Being a politician to the core Yadav has been non-committal, even though the wound of badmouthing done by Mishra against him in the ministry in the past refuses to heal, added the source.

Mishra’ can be compared to Trishanku, as depicted in the Mahabharata, said an NCUI official. His fate hangs in the balance. While his as well as the Ministry’s efforts to have him absorbed failed to materialize, his comeback seems impossible in the NCUI.

One of the top NCUI officials says that his letter announcing unilateral departure from NCUI is still lying in the old files. There is no way he can say he did not apply to be spared, the source added.

The urgency for Mishra to return to NCUI assumes importance in the wake of the news coming in that the apex national co-op body NCUI has patched up their differences with the Agriculture Ministry on the issue of NCCT delink and a settlement is imminent.

The matter which went to court after the NCUI challenged ministerial fiat, is being resolved in an out of court settlement. A meeting between the two sides took place.

Indian Cooperative has gathered that the Ministry has agreed to give back NCCT to the apex body NCUI with a condition of having 50 percent board members from it’s side. In the more than 20-member board, the NCUI President would be the Chairman, the agreement says.

Currently the Union Agriculture Minister chairs the NCCT Board with the Additional Secretary as the Vice-Chairman. This will end with the restoration of the old structure where the NCUI Chairman would head the training body, confides the source.

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