Biscomaun case is likely to come up this week

The Biscomaun case is scheduled to come up shortly as the Patna High Court has opened after summer vacation. Biscomaun’s case number is 16th and I think it should come this week , said Vinay Shahi who is also one of the petitioners along with the State government.

“You can expect it to come before 10th of July as it is high in the list”, added Shahi.” I have filed a fresh petition challenging the MSCS Act, which says that a cooperative organization would automatically become multi state if its operation expands beyond a state.”

Readers would recall that after the division of the erstwhile Bihar into Bihar and Jharkahnd, Biscomaun became a multi-state cooperative automatically. Yet the then Central Registrar Raj Singh issued orders declaring Biscomaun as a multi state cooperative.

The order has been challenged by the state government, which would let it go only if the marketing cooperative federation clears outstanding dues.

Calling it unconstitutional Vinay Shahi who heads the state cooperative union of Bihar says” using this loophole in the Act Sunil Singh, Chairman declared Biscomaun a multi-state entity in cahoots with the then Central Registrar and now we have decided to challenge this very provision of the Act”.

The fact is that in the state cooperative election Sunil realized that he had no future in Bihar as his men one after another lost badly. He knew that if the Bihar Election Authority held election he would not have any chance of appointing Returning officer of his choice as was the case with the multi state thing narrated Shahi explaining Sunil’s gameplan.

”He hastily did something which raised eyebrows everywhere- he preponed Biscomaun election by more than 2 years. But the intervention of the High Court dashed his hopes in the very beginning. He rushed to the Supreme Court which granted him temporary relief,” Shahi remarked.

Shahi is confident that ” Sunil has no future as he stands on a sticky wicket. Once the matter taken up in the High Court, his election is sure to be struck down. He is chairman just for a few days. His countdown has begun,” said Shahi in a schadenfreudig tone.

Sunil Singh laughed off at Shahi’s assertion and said that they are daydreaming of ousting me. I am there for so many years now and they have not been able to touch me even once.”

“Biscomaun has faced several court cases in the past and when we were able to checkmate the combined mite of state govt with these disgruntled elements in the past , they have little chance now”, he added.

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