Bihar turns into field of Cooperative wars

Bihar has turned into the field of cooperative wars with government and erstwhile chairmen and directors of cooperative bodies at loggerheads.The state sponsored cooperative conference on 26th May came soon after the conference of 23rd May which was organized by former Biscomaun Chairman Sunil Singh.

“A panicky government did not allow us to use Sri Krishna Memorial Hall even though number of cooperative leaders were running into thousands”, said Sunil Singh while talking to Indian Cooperative.

While Sunil Singh’s programme was attended by many top national cooperative leaders including NCUI’s President Chandra Pal Singh Yadav, the government sponsored programme drew women cooperators and aimed at empowering them.

Sunil Singh accuses Government of masquerading BJP women cell members as cooperators in want of genuine women cooperators in the state. “Cooperative officials were threatened in each district and asked to contact BJP Mahila cell to send volunteers. There are only about 264 women PACs Chairman in the states”, he said.

He also said that male PACs Chairmen numbering into about 8500 were not invited as government were scared of their anger on lack of payment of paddy prices running into Rs 800 crores.

Detractors of Sunil Singh however accuse him of double standards. They accuse him of advocating the case of PACs Chairmen whom he had always fought with. “Since it suits his political expediency he is talking on behalf of PACs Chairmen”, they argue.

He has no courage to contest election and is fighting the Bihar Election Authority set up recently in the court. How can he talk on behalf of those who have been elected through the new system? He is a cooperative leader who fears transparency and has been reduced to mere paper tiger status, they alleged.

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