Query of Joseph George

I have a very simple question.

I am a member of a housing society in Mumbai. We have limited parking in our society. The bye laws have a clear clause that parking has to be alloted in rotation on an annual basis.

Is it mandatory for the society to follow this bye law?

The managing committee seems to be pushing for a perpetual one time allotment of parking against a security deposit. This would get passed in a special meeting which only 20% members attend….Most of whom are old members and stand to benefit as the rules favour them.

Can the society be hauled up for not following the bye laws?

I C Naik

Parking in housing societies is no longer a simple issue where builder used to sell them leaving none for the Committee to allot to members. However no more. Supreme Court’s rejection of builder to sell parking has confused the builders though selling parking goes on still on a relatively minor scale. Not every society’s bye laws are same. One needs to look at the registered bye laws of the concerned housing society. Please let me know the Model No of the bye-laws registered by you. Registration number also at times can be used to ascertain the Model accurately. There are 4 models issued over the last 32 years namely 1984,2001,2009 and 2014.


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