Query of Fatima James

I am a joint holder with my husband of a flat purchased in our Society in 1992.

Since the last 10 years there are two Hotels running in our premises. The kitchen of one Hotel is just below my flat and the heat emitted from their kitchen heats up the floor of my flat and the heat us unbearable day by day.

I have been verbally requesting them to solve the problem of the heat from their kitchen for the last 7 years but since nothing has been done, I have given my complaint in writing to the Society.

They have also covered the open area with tin sheets, the roof of which comes up to the balcony of my flat.  I objected to this as the tin sheets heat up during the day.

Can I as a member of the Society object to this and have the Hotel kitchen relocated to an alternate place and also have the unauthorised tin shed removed.

Your valuable suggestions will be very much appreciated.

I C Naik

Name of Society suggests it has commercial and residential premises side by side. Nevertheless First facts finding.

Write a letter to the Secretary of the Society if the member has taken Committee;s permission to run hotel.

File RTI inquiry with Municipal Authorities if the Hotel is approved business for the premises

If the reply is adverse to running Hotel you have a good case to write to both to eject the member


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