Query of Ashish Shah

I have recently bought a flat and given on rent. Society charges 100% of maintenance bill as Non-Occupancy charges. This does not include parking charges, sinking fund. Does society has a right to charge more than 10% which is governed by bye-laws? If No then how do I argue with them. I do not want to enter into quarrel also with Society. Please suggest me suitable clauses and framework based on which I can putforth my points in the society.

I C Naik

Suggest you buy from the Secretary  copy of your society’s registered bye laws certified to be a copy of the original as registered and is in force on the date of certification. In no time you will find a provision which says NOC  shall not exceed 10% of maintenance Bill (excluding BMC Taxes) If your Society mangement is not satisfied I will help you. If they refuse to get satisfied then also I will help you. .

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