Query of Amardeep Singh

We have 5 cooperative housing societies and Federation in Pune.

We need to select the federation Managing Committee and Fed Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

Can we nominate 2 or more equal number of people based on voting from each society to form Managing Committee of Federation and select the Federation Chairman and other positions?

Is there a limitation on nomination or representation in federation?

Your help shall be much appreciated.

I C Naik

Based on facts you have given it is safe to assume that the Federation is recently registered. The Federation must elect a provisional committee at the first general body meeting which must be convened within three months from the date of its registration.

The strength of the management committee must be as specified in the bye-laws. [Section 73AAA(1) of the MCS Act 1960] I have no means to know that as the bye-laws are specific to each Cooperative Society.


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