Query from Pratima Rai

Pratima Rai

Respected sir,

I am the chairperson of Versova Gayatri Chs ltd in Andheri west Mumbai -400053; REG NO…Bom/Hsg/K-6927 of 1981 ; Plot no.A4.142-143 opp Pratap society Andheri west

I am a victim member suffering harassment, nuisance and blockage of my entry-exit of my door and eventual damage to my door if the newly renovated door of my neighbour is not changed to the opposite side which is a dead wall

He has also come out only on shorts in common passage to give garbage in my presence ..and often while passing has verbally used abusive words and threats. He has also recently put a camera just opp my door just 3 ft away which is in violation of my privacy a senior lady. He monitors my movements and the moment I open door he opens and glares if I have come out in common passage.

He knows when I am alone at home or when my house is empty when ever I go out to visit my daughter in Bangalore. I am scared of him for my and fro my daughters’ safety. He is , I believe, into loan recovery business

He has meanwhile complained to asst registrar K West Ward Bandra east and the Society has replied submitted a file of papers

Managing Committee has voted in my favour asking him to refix his door but he had refused by not accepting letter of society stating he  will change at our expense.

Here is a 60 yr old  woman  me who  has done nothing and is suffering due to obstinacy of a male neighbour aged say 39 yrs married and  supported by his wife in this matter. He has also fitted a cctv focusing on my door and inside whenever the doors open.

I C Naik

Quick Response

Two simultaneous options:

If your Management Committee and a large majority is with you, expulsion of this member can be tried out.

Side by side why not approach Women Rights Associations.

Lt me know what you think. Will help you further.

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