Query from Prakash Shankar Despande

Registration no BOM/WT/HSG/(TC)/5498 OF 1990-1991 DT. 14-01-1991; State Maharashtra; City Mumbai Sub. Mulund East; The term of our managing committee expired on 31st March 2013

As per new direction existing committee continued


1 Whether committee is care taking committee?/ regular committee?/ ad hoc committee?

  1. Whether In AGM held on 29 th sept. 2013 committee can get passed the resolution for painting of building/ major repairs or just to get confirmation of account for 2012-2013?
  2. Any restriction on power of meeting/committee whether to get sanction of Registrar?
  3. Still election for new managing committee as per new provision have not been held. Then what are effect.
  4. Committee says no one is interested. Society cannot bear the expenses

I C Naik

NOT VERY CLEAR TO ME: “Committee says no one is interested. Society cannot bear the expenses

If no member is willing to join the Committee, inform the Registrar, who will send an officer authorizing him/her to:

  1. Take charge of the management of your housing society
  2. Hold election for the committee of the strength as specified in the Bye-Laws .

The tenure of this officer is maximum of six months.

If as the Committee says, “No one is interested” – to be on the Committee. The Registrar will ask adjoining housing society if their management is interested to run the society as a joint management. The Registrar may explore amalgamation of the two housing societies.


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