Query from Jasbir Singh

In our village in Punjab there is a registered milk society which is not working for years and there is no record of that society. We started a new milk society in the village. But cooperation Dept not registering our society and saying that there cannot be two same types of societies with the same area of operation. And asking us to revive the society which is not working.  Is there any rule which prohibits registration of two or more same types of societies with the same area of operation? Please help

I C Naik

Ask for a written order of refusing to register your proposed society. MCS Act provides vide Section 9 (3) Where the Registrar refuses to register a proposed society, he shall forth-with communicate his decision, with the reasons there for, to the person making the application and if there be more than one to the person who has signed first thereon.

You can appeal against such order for a revision of the order as provided under the MCS Act. Appeal is to the immediate superior of the authority refusing registration. This should be the DDR of the district in which the society is proposed to be registered.

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