Jaya Awards bestowed on Women Entrepreneurs

The UNCSocD62 witnessed the prestigious Jaya Arunachalam Awards for Excellence in Women Entrepreneurship, recognizing nine outstanding women in February 2024. Hailing from Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka, these entrepreneurs, once recipients of modest loans, now thrive thanks to holistic support services.

Over three decades, they’ve transcended poverty, providing education for their children and transitioning from informal to pre-formal sectors, empowering others along the way. Their success stories, shared via video testimony, underscore the transformative power of financial inclusion.

President Dr. Nandini Azad, of WWF-ICNW, emphasized the importance of combating gender-based violence, echoing sentiments expressed during a visit by former U.S. Secretary of State, Mme. Hillary Clinton. The event served as a platform to advocate for the integration of financial inclusion with gender violence initiatives, highlighting the role of cooperatives in poverty reduction.

Young women, despite facing initial hardships, demonstrated remarkable resilience, learning traditional skills and expanding businesses with support from organizations like WWF-ICNW. Dr. Azad, in concluding remarks, expressed gratitude to grassroots members, media partners, and supporters, affirming a commitment to furthering the cause of women’s empowerment.

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