Haridwar Libberheri Co-op holds AGM

Haridwar (Uttarakhand) Libberheri Cooperative Sugarcane Development Committee organized the third Annual General Board meeting last week in the presence of former state Sugarcane Minister Swami Yatiswarananda, who had been invited as the chief guest.

Addressing the participants, Yatiswarananda said, “Uttarakhand Government led by Pushkar Dhami is seriously addressing the issues of sugarcane farmers and under his leadership sugar mills are paying prices to the farmers on time”.

“Various schemes are being run by the government which are directly benefiting the farmers”, he added.

The members present in the meeting gave suggestions like getting the audit done every year,and distribution of agricultural machinery on subsidy.

The meeting was presided over by District Panchayat President Kiran Chaudhary and moderated by Sushil Rathi.

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