First CCR Young & Emerging Scholars’ meeting held

The first CCR Young & Emerging Scholars’ (CCR-YES) meeting was held on 13 March 2024 online. After a first presentation of the network by Camilla Carabini, CCR YES representative, the participants presented themselves: 34 participants from 4 different continents shared their research interests and expectations from the networks.

The Committee on Cooperative Research (CCR) is a thematic committee of the International Cooperative Alliance. It is a bridge between academic research and the cooperative world.

As for research interests, the group reflected a multi and interdisciplinary approach to the understanding of cooperative economics across various disciplines: economics, finance, engineering, sociology, anthropology.

Different types of cooperatives were mentioned as for being researched: agricultural cooperatives, financial co-ops, platform cooperatives, workers co-ops, social cooperatives (work integration type-b co-ops), housing co-ops, energy coops, and teachers co-ops.

Among the more recurring issues the group emphasized sustainability (and SDGs), democratic governance, entrepreneurship, degrowth and post-growth value creation, how cooperative can tackle climate change, alternative management and governance structures, cooperative law, social economy.

Participants shared their expectations and aspirations around the network.

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