Big leap: e-NAM payment possible across states

Prime Minister’s flagship program e-NAM has achieved another milestone by commencing inter-State trade between mandis using e-payments. Earlier trade used to happen either within the APMC or between two APMCs situated within same state.

The very first Inter State transaction in tomatoes has been carried out between trader of Bareilly e-NAM APMC of Uttar Pradesh and farmer of Haldwani e-NAM APMC of Uttarakhand. Similarly, the inter-State transactions in potatoes, brinjal & cauliflower have been carried out between the e-NAM mandis of Uttarakhand & Uttar Pradesh.

In all the cases, e-payments have been made through e-NAM portal. This will helps farmers get better market access, more buyers/ traders & realise better prices for their produce.

To facilitate inter State trade between the e-NAM States, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Govt. of India, conducted series of coordination meetings with concerned States and Mandi board officials/ Mandi secretaries. As a result of these interactions, both the States have now facilitated licensing of traders of each other for inter-State trade on e-NAM portal.

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